The German philosopher Max Stirner (1806-1856) echoes ancient practical philosophers like Aristippus of Cyrene and Yang Zhu (楊朱, chapter 7 of the 列子/Liezi) who were advocating for hedonism and individuality while considering cooperation between individuals, but also aware that life conditions can change suddenly and you can't always get what you want.

Max Stirner was a shitposter, and he wanted to troll the Hegelian establishment by reviving an old form of argumentation known as "sophistry" in Ancient Greece.
The first part of his book "The Unique and Its Property" (1845) is structured like a Hegelian dialectical analysis of history — not unlike the progression of a strategy video game — and in every chapter he builds an argument to then destroy it later.
He makes fun of Hegel's understanding of non-European cultures at some point by pretending history is a linear progress from African culture, to a Mongolian stage of history, which finally "culminates" in the ideal form of Western thought.

I haven't read the second part of the book until the end, but he seems to take a more metaphysical direction that is similar to the concept of 無為.
His trolling was successful: Marx, as a young student of Hegel, was pissed off, and tried to troll "Saint Max" himself by writing the "German Ideology" manuscript, which was not published during Stirner's lifetime.
The chapter of "The Unique and Its Property" about liberalism is a threefold critique of capitalism, socialism and German radical republicanism before 1848, it's well worth reading for anyone interested in the history of Marxism and 19th century Western thought.

In the end, life is your own unique experience on Earth, so try to make the most of it while calculating the risks and rewards for respecting or disregarding the rules, beliefs and ideas of a given era, at a given place; and rules, beliefs and ideas are ultimately self-imposed.
For Stirner, the danger is to possessed by abstract ideas, upholding ideas and institutions over our well-being.
It is life advice worth considering, I think.

fediverse expectation: social media without algorithmic corporate torture nexus

fediverse reality: hell is still other people
