不再读 崖山
不再读 Melancholia
depol, terrorism
@estelle https://www.welt.de/politik/deutschland/article254939378/Anschlag-auf-Weihnachtsmarkt-Arzt-Islamgegner-seit-2006-in-Deutschland-Das-wissen-wir-ueber-den-Attentaeter-von-Magdeburg.html article in german. guy was an atheist ex-muslim, immigrated 2006, doctor, self described „islam critic“, big fan of the extremist right wing trump style party AfD, been on this shit for years apparently
he gave an interview to the (anti-muslim) RAIR Foundation like a week ago (who are now in full damage control mode claiming he must be an islamist after all actually because driving cars into crows is an islamist thing to do)
@illnessillusion @articuno 然后,柯文哲被调教太多了,心想干脆进监狱好了。
A man of no country.